Rules of Thumb NetWare Asynchronous Communications Services v3.0 (NACS) February 16, 1993 By allowing users to share communications resources connected to a NetWare server, NACS provides asynchronous connectivity to multiple users on a NetWare LAN. To aid you in configuring NACS for optimal performance, reliability, and ease of use, we asked our engineers what components they would use if they were installing NACS. Here's what they said. Possible Applications of NACS ----------------------------- LAN users can share asynchronous communications resources attached to the NACS; such as modem connections, muxes, and direct asynchronous host lines, thereby eliminating the need for separate modems or direct connections from individual workstations. Depending on the capabilities of the communications adapters installed in NACS, users can transmit data at up to 115.2 Kbps. NACS works in conjunction with NASI (NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface), to support most common communications packages and terminal emulators. For a list of known NASI compatible applications, refer to "NASI Compatible Applications" below. Supported NetWare Environments ------------------------------ NACS is compatible with any version of NetWare. However, it must run on a NetWare 3.11 server. This can be a NetWare 3.11 file server or a RunTime 3.11 server on a LAN with file servers running other versions of NetWare Runtime v3.11 is a special version of the Netware operating system which can be used to run NLMs (NetWare Loadable Modules) like NACS 3 but which can not be used for a file server. NetWare Runtime v3.11 is provided with the 8 port, 16 port and 32 port versions of NACS. Even if you have a 3.11 file server, if you anticipate heavy activity on the file server, you may wish to reduce processing overhead by running NACS on a Runtime NetWare Server. NACS and the NetWare Communication Services -------------------------------------------- NACS is one of Novell's NetWare Communication Services, a family of products that provide an integrated solution to LAN communication requirements. To run the NACS, first start the Communication Executive (the control program for the NetWare Communication Services) and then launch the NACS software. NACS Product Versions --------------------- NACS v3.0 comes in four versions: 2 port 8 port 16 port 32 port All 4 versions must run on either a NetWare v3.11 file server or a NetWare Runtime v3.11 server (Runtime supplied with all versions except 2 port). 2 port NACS ----------- Supports up to two active NASI connections per NACS. You can use standard serial ports installed in the server and/or you can use ports provided by various communications adapters*. 8 port NACS ----------- Allows up to eight active NASI connections per NACS. You can use ports provided by various communications adapters* and/or up to 5 standard serial ports installed in the server. 16 port NACS ------------ Allows up to eight active NASI connections per NACS. You can use ports provided by various communications adapters* and/or up to 5 standard serial ports installed in the server. The 32 port NACS ---------------- Allows up to 32 active connections per NACS. You can use ports provided by various communications adapters* and/or up to 5 standard serial ports installed in the server. * We recommend the use of a communications adapter. Tested communications adapters and adapter drivers certified for NACS are listed later in this document. New Features ------------ NACS v3.0 has several new features: - Dynamic reconfiguration - Higher data rate support - Hardware independence - Local and remote management capabilities - Security management - Diagnostic tools Dynamic Reconfiguration ----------------------- NACS now runs as a NetWare Loadable Module (NLM), which allows greater flexibility in running and configuring the NACS. NACS v3.0 includes a series of asynchronous I/O drivers that also run as NLMs. Because these modules can be loaded and unloaded without bringing down the NetWare server, it is easy to reconfigure the NACS when you change the hardware configuration on the server. Higher Data Rate Support ------------------------ NACS v3.0 supports higher data rates than previous versions of NACS. NACS v3.0 can transmit data at up to 115.2 Kbps per port, depending on the ability of the communications adapter used with the NACS. Hardware Independence --------------------- The architecture of the new NACS software allows the use of a variety of third party communications adapters. Local and Remote Management Capabilities ---------------------------------------- NACS v3.0 includes a NACS console that lets you configure the NACS and monitor activity on the NACS as a whole or on individual ports. The NACS console also lets you view a log file that summarizes activity on the NACS. You can run the NACS console locally on the NetWare server or remotely using Novell's RCONSOLE utility on a workstation connected to the LAN. Security Management ------------------- NACS v3.0 has improved security management features. Using the NetWare system configuration utility (SYSCON) you can restrict access to an individual NACS, to individual ports on a NACS, or to members of authorized user groups. Access to the NACS console can be restricted to users with a specified password. Diagnostic Tools ---------------- NACS v3.0 includes new diagnostic utilities that let you test the operation of the NACS and the operation of individual ports on the NACS. The NACS availability test lets you test the availability of a particular NACS. The NACS performance test lets you test the performance of a specific port on the NACS. The NACS loopback test lets you test the connection for each port. NACS also lets you maintain a trace file that shows data written from and read to specific ports. Hardware and Software Requirements ---------------------------------- NACS requires the following hardware and software. NetWare Server Hardware ----------------------- A NetWare server requires the following hardware to run NACS: A 386 or 486 PC with appropriate disk and memory requirements as described in "NetWare Server Memory Requirements" and in "Disk space Requirements". An appropriate LAN adapter. All certified NetWare v3.11 LAN adapters are supported. At least one standard serial port or one or more of the communications adapters listed under "Communications Adapters". Appropriate asynchronous communications hardware, such as modems, multiplexers, or direct connections to asynchronous hosts. NetWare Server Memory Requirements ---------------------------------- Use this procedure to determine the total amount of memory required for a NetWare server running NACS. If you are using NetWare Runtime v3.11 the minimum recommended system memory is 6 MB. If you are using NetWare v3.11 in an integrated configuration, use the following steps to determine the memory requirements for running NACS. 1. Calculate the memory requirement for each volume. For each DOS volume: M = .023 X VOLUME SIZE (in MB) / BLOCK SIZE (default is 4) For each volume with added Name Space: M = .032 X VOLUME SIZE (in MB) / BLOCK SIZE (default is 4) 2. Add memory requirements for all volumes: TOTAL VOLUME MEMORY = Msys: + Mvol1: + Mvol2: 3. Add 2 MB for the operating system and round the value to the next higher integer. If the total is under 3 MB, use 4 MB for your NetWare v3.11 memory requirement. 4. Regardless of the number of ports you will run on the NACS, add 2 MB to the value determined in Step 3 (to run NACS). 5. If you are running both NACS and Netware for SAA, add the amount of memory required for the number of NetWare for SAA sessions to the value determined in Step 4. The following table shows typical memory requirements for the NACS with various server configurations. Memory Requirements for NACS ---------------------------- Runtime Server Running NACS* 6MB Runtime Server Running NACS and NetWare for SAA with 64 Sessions* 8MB Standard NetWare Server Running NACS* 6MB Standard NetWare Server with 1 GigaB of Volume Space Running NACS* 8MB * 2 port, 8 port, 16 port, or 32 port versions Increasing Memory ----------------- NACS should run without any problems using the memory calculated using the procedure outlined above. If you get messages indicating memory problems, add additional memory to the server in 1MB increments. Disk Space Requirements ----------------------- The NACS software requires 3 MB of system volume space in addition to the space required by NetWare v3.11 or NetWare Runtime v3.11. Netware Server Software ----------------------- A NetWare server requires the following software to run NACS: NetWare v3.11 or NetWare Runtime v3.11 Workstation Hardware -------------------- A workstation running NASI requires the same hardware as a regular NetWare workstation. Workstation Memory Requirements ------------------------------- A workstation running NASI and a NASI application requires the following memory. 1. From 34 to 66 KB of memory to run NASI, depending on the number of sessions a workstation will use. (If enough high memory is available, NASI can be loaded into "high" memory, the 384KB of address space above the 640KB reserved for DOS, using a DOS extender. 2. An average of 512 KB of memory to run application programs and NetWare menu utilities. Some NASI applications may require additional memory on the workstation. Consult the publisher's documentation for additional information. Workstation Software -------------------- A workstation requires the following software to run NASI and NASI applications. DOS v3.x, 4.x, or 5.x (IBM DOS or MS-DOS) or DR DOS v6.0 NACS Hardware Recommendations ----------------------------- Server Hardware --------------- NACS should operate on any NetWare v3.11 server tested and approved by Novell Labs through Novell's Independent Manufacturer's Support Program (IMSP). For more information on Pcs that are suitable for use as NetWare servers, contact your authorized NetWare reseller. LAN Adapters ------------ NACS is designed to work with any LAN adapter that has been tested and approved by Novell Labs through Novell's IMSP. Communications Adapters ----------------------- Although you can use the COM ports installed in the NACS (up to two standard serial ports with the 2 port NACS, and up to five standard serial ports with the 8 port, 16 and 32 port NACS) for asynchronous data communications, even at 2400bps, data loss can occur (unless a 16550 UART and AIOCOMX v2 is used). For better performance, we recommend using one of the following extended serial port adapters that provide flow control capabilities. Third party board (driver supplied with NACS) >> The WNIM+ (Wide Area Network Interface Plus Adapter) available from: Microdyne Corporation (800) 255-3967 An ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) bus adapter that provides four asynchronous ports that can run at up to 38.4 Kbps. An asynchronous I/O driver for the WNIM+ adapter is provided with the NACS software. Third party boards and third party drivers for the following have been certified for NACS: >> Digiboard 612-943-9020 DigiBoard CX system for AIO (ISA), 16 ports per concentrator (chains up to 128) DigiBoard MC/8i for AIO (MCA), 8 port driver DigiBoard PC/8e for AIO (ISA), 8 port driver >> Hayes 404-441-1617 Hayes ESP (ISA) 2 port board The Hayes board MUST have firmware revision 7.0 (upgrade available from Hayes). Using DMA Enhanced mode (the preferred setting for the adapters) you can run both ports on the adapters simultaneously at up to 38.4 Kbps or a single port at up to 57.6 Kbps. >> Newport Systems Solutions 714-752-1511 Newport ACI (ISA) Can run at up to 38.4 Kbps. >> Star Gate Technologies 800-782-7428 Star Gate One Slot [with AIOCOMX V2 only] 4 serial ports Modems ------ NACS v3.0 will work with modems that are supported by your NASI compatible communications applications. Compatible Communications Programs ---------------------------------- As shown below many communications programs are compatible with NACS for calling out purposes. However, only three products are known to be able to call into a NACS and take over a workstation on the LAN: 1. PCAnywhere (Including AnywhereIV LAN) from Symantech, is NACS/NASI compatible for calling BOTH in AND out. 2. CoSession LAN version. 3. Citrix A+ Remote The following are either known to be or are claimed by their publishers to be NACS/NASI compatible: Product Version Telephone # ASCOM IV Network 1.42 No Longer Sold BLAST Professional DOS 10.5 800-242-5278 BLAST Professional Server 10.5 " " " CIM 2.1 Compuserve Citrix A+ Remote All 305-755-0559 Co/Session LAN II 908-855-9440 Crosstalk Mark 4 1.1 and later 800-348-3221 Crosstalk for Windows (W) 1.2 " " " Crosstalk 16 Network V3.71 " " " DynaComm Asynch (W) V3.00.28 713-496-9400 EM220 V4.0 and later 303-447-9251 EM320 All " " " EM4010 All " " " EM4105 All " " " KEAterm (W) **** All 800-663-8702 LEXUS 2000 LAN 2.5 800-227-9597 Minisoft 92 * All 800-682-0200 Minisoft 92 for Windows * All 800-682-0200 Mirror III LAN All "LAN" 800-634-8670 OnLAN 1.2 & 1.3 800-NETWARE PCanywhere IV LAN 4.5 800-441-7234 PCTerm All 206-487-3656 PolyCom All 314-432-4142 PolyStar/T 2.31 " " " PolyNet (O) All " " " Procom+ Network 800-533-4190 Reflection ** All but Mac V 800-872-2829 Relay Gold LAN 3.0 & later 800-822-8224 Smartcom Exe 2.1 404-441-1617 Smartcom III 2.0 " " " SmartTerm 240 3.0 & later 800-368-5283 SmartTerm 320 All " " " SmartTerm 340 All " " " SmartTerm 470 All " " " Softerm PC 2.0 & later 800-225-8590 Softerm Modular All " " " VsCom/LAN *** 7.6 312-443-1222 Westlaw/Westmate 2.2 800-937-8529 Zstem 340, LAN, VT 340/320 1.0.3 800-663-8702 Earlier and/or later versions may also be compatible. (W) Windows application (O) ODI * HP2392A Terminal Emulator ** Compatible with NASI2x but problems are known to exist relative to NASI3x. *** Does not claim to be compatible with NASI3. **** VT420 emulation There are other communications programs that work with NACS and NASI. If you wish to use a communications program that is not listed above, and intend to use it with NASI, contact the publisher of the communications program. Most NASI compatible applications are compatible with both NACS/NASI v3.x and with v2.x For information on becoming a NASI developer and a copy of the NASI Programmers Guide, call 800-REDWORD. Performance Factors ------------------- NACS should run satisfactorily on any of the server platforms listed under "Server Hardware" with sufficient RAM installed in the server. Running in our test labs, the 32 port version of the NACS product has performed well, running on the standard Netware platform with file and print services. If you are running file and print services on the standard NetWare server and you have, for example, 250 simultaneous users, or you have other CPU intensive applications installed on the NetWare server, we recommend running the NACS on a separate RunTime v3.11 server. Data Transmission Speed ----------------------- Each NACS port can transmit data at speeds from 50bps to 115.2Kbps. However, the actual speed available depends on the communications adapter(s) and driver intstalled in the NACS. When you configure the NACS ports, the NACS console displays only parameter choices supported by the driver that controls the port that you are configuring. - data rates - parity checking - stop bits - data character size Refer to the communications adapter vendor's documentation for information on the settings supported by your driver. Running NACS v3.0 with NACS v2.x -------------------------------- You can run NACS v3.0 and NACS V2.x on the same LAN. However, a workstation can run only NASI (v2.xx) or NASI3 (the NACS v3.0 version of NASI). That is, not both at once. A workstation running NASI v2.x can not access a NACS v3.0 server A workstation running NASI3 can not access a NACS v2.x server.